The power couple

As you all may know, my specialty is in families. I love everything about families. However, I do couples on occasions, and that is one of those gray areas because I believe couples are family. Some partners may not have children together, but that doesn't take away their love for each other. I know people who have been in a relationship together for over a decade with no children. Does that mean they're not a family? In my opinion, no, they are one hundred percent family. So to you, my friend who wants family portraits but feels like you can't because you don't have children. I am more than happy to have a session with you and your partner.

We had so much fun at this session. I am so glad this couple has each other at this moment in this couple's lives. It isn't easy being miles away from family. But, it's a bit easier when you have your person with you at the same school. That is one of the great things about lifestyle sessions. The clients are free to be themselves with direction. The love they have for each other radiates in the air. I hope that you see that in this sneak peek. You will see how goofy they are, their love for each other, and much more.

College sweethearts, Their close friends, would say they are a power couple. That is one of the many reasons I titled this blog the power couple. I figured that is fitting for the title of their blog. After this session, I must agree they are a powerful couple who are strong individuals who build and love each other deeply. Here is too many happy years to the young couple.

On that note, if you're looking for someone who specializes in couples, I have a friend who specializes in couples. You can find her here. I strongly believe in Community over Competition. There is a photographer and style for everyone. If you're looking for a fun, loving, passionate, family photographer, I am your girl! Book Now


Four Week old in-home Newborn Session In Amarillo, Texas


What not to wear